Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thomas Tapeh

Just saw that the Vikes cut loose Thomas Tapeh to sign Napolean Harris. That was quick and kind of harsh wasn't it? Oh well, it does make sense to bring in an experienced middle linebacker for E.J.


J Dog said...

Hey Keith. Yeah everyone up here was wondering what the eff, why isn't Tapeh suiting up? Especially since he was suppose to be pretty good, and they paid a lot for him. The thought was that he was being punished for something. Instead, he just had a knee injury that he didn't tell anyone about when he signed the contract. - Justin

Anonymous said...

Another disappointing free agent signing for Minnesota fans. The Twins do this to us every year, the Wolves of course, and lately the Vikings have followed suit. On a happier note, Bernard Berrian is starting to come around a little and even...gulp....Visanthe hasn't been TOO bad lately. I really like Rick Spielman, but I just want to see some more production out of these big signings! - Matt