Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Here We Go Again

I almost forgot, and I will probably wish I forgot, but the T'Wolves open up their 20th season tomorrow. Let's hope the fans don't forget to show up and cheer them on. They definitely did last year. You can't blame them since they have excelled at the two b's for the last couple of years, bad and boring. They have that in common with the Pacers and about 25 other NBA teams for that matter.

Nevertheless, it was only a few short years ago when the T'Wolves were my favorite team and they almost made all my years of faithful support towards their futility pay off with an NBA Championship. Those days are a long way off as the expert moves by McHale have come to fruition. At least they will be more competitive this year than the 22-win debacle from last season. Some of the things I am looking forward to for this season (trust me, I say looking forward to with little enthusiasm).
  • Randy Foye healthy for a full season and seeing if he can become an upper echelon NBA point guard. He played okay last year when he actually got in the lineup. If he would have been healthy for the entire season we might have won 25-26 games!
  • McHale's prodigy, Kevin Love, playing against NBA competition. My gut instinct is it could be ugly but at least we got Mike Miller out of the deal and finally got rid of Marko Jaric (I am still at a loss for words to describe my thoughts towards McHale on that trade)
  • The development of Al Jefferson into an all-star caliber player. Someone has to lead this team. I don't think Jefferson has the mentality to do it, but no NBA team goes anywhere without at least one superstar player.
  • Mark Madsen cheer leading. What a team player!
  • Watching the unlucky person that has to sit behind McHale crane their neck to see around him. My advice - their will be plenty of empty seats so just move. Go sit by Jesse the Body, at least he will make the game halfway entertaining.

Sadly, that's about all I could think of. I won't try to guess a win total since I have no idea to be quite honest, hopefully they can at least get back into the 30's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FIRST POSTER - Just call me the ghost, I don't feel the need to make an idea to know my comments are legit and much needed to keep Keith accurate and on topic :)

The TimberPuppies will not crack 30 wins this year, another epic trade will be made.....followed by another horrible draft.....